This will be the last blog for July. It has been hard to upload media stuff, but my site now has the gallery module added. I’ve uploaded some of my Robot Man and Courage posters to the galleries.
Month: July 2014
Anniversary blog
This is an anniversary blog. Its been ten years since I started this site. I started this site after my site, which was twelve years ago. This blog includes events like my projects and stuff. Before this it included my Lego projects like the X-77 and X-78.
Script almost completed
Its been two or three months since I started the script of the Robot Man and it is almost compete. It took me awhile to get the script started with my mom, so I am going to add the characters section in the Robot Man page. I have been busy.
Personal stuff
I tried to install my old version of Stop Motion Pro again but I get frustrated since it requires a newer version. I’m not going get it right now since it is too expensive. I’ve installed a version of Pinnacle Studio and Monkeyjam to do stop motion.
Grammar issues
My mom cleaned up my website and fixed some of the grammar issues. Sometimes my site has poor English and problems with communication. Many people don’t understand me and the site. My dad will help with some of the grammar too.
My thoughts
Right now it’s slow going on the site as I pull together things for my film projects. I’m working on a poster for one of my films. When I get it finished I will release it as a preview.